Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia vs Solar Auxilia

Starting off the year with my fourth-ever game of Legions Imperialis!


My proxy forces are set up for some quick action.

Birds eye deployment.

Full deployment on my side. I know, lots of proxies and a few unpainted minis here and there ;)

Opposite SA force, mostly super heavy tanks.

Sneaky tactical deployments of enemy tarantulas.

Round I

Lascannon tarantulas fire up on my malcadors. One dies, and the other one loses its nerves and flees. One activation less in this match.

The situation after all advances are resolved

My first "first fire" results, this was an interesting twist from my usual rolls 

Six Leman Russ tanks with Vanquisher cannons open up on the shadowsword tanks. One is eliminated, and the other one fails its morale and runs stopping just centimetres from the edge of the board!

Leginares with flamers and lasguns open up into the structure that I occupied and deal a surprisingly small amount of damage (only 1 or 2 dead)!

Loyalist Emperor Children Kratos tanks open up and kill one traitor Stormhammer. Unfortunately, the second one stands its ground.

Heavy sentinels open fire at my predators and are able to take one out.

A Thunderbolt fighter opens up on the infantry in the open ground and ... does no damage!

Predators respond and kill two sentinels, the other two flee in terror!

The other unit of heavy sentinels opens up on my infantry killing 3 more stands with their missiles.

My Hellhammer squad collapses a building occupied with a 16 (?) stand Leget detachment.

Of all the stands only the legate and a single stand survive. However, they pass their morale and secure the objective for the enemy!

Second plane opens up and decimates the infantry in the open!

After all the shooting and planes flying away the situation is as follows:

Round II

My Ogryns having secured the objective in my deployment zone move up to put some pressure on the enemy tarantulas.

Leman Russes move up in cover.

So do the Kratoses

And all the other enemy elements (The lone Shadowsword Tank commander managed to rally before going of the board).

Dracosans position themselves to screen the Hevy sentinels on the hill (which were ordered "first fire"). While the lone stormhammer falls back. 

While the enemy infantry moves into cover I use my last four stands to perform a daring charge (and remove the first fire). Sentinels overwatch and kill two stands but the other two make it and engage the unit.

My Legate unit charges the Stormhammer

They loose a few men on the approach

While planes fly into position keeping close to the enemy board edge to avoid the missile tarantulas.

My Legate unit finishes off the super heavy tank (with few losses on their side).

The second unit of Dracosan transports charge my Hellhammers. Overwatch fire misses completely and they were able to land a hit. Fortunately enough I was able to kill two and win the assault!

Kratoses fire at the Traitor Baneblade unit killing one.The other one finishes off my wounded Hellhammer.

At the end of round two, the traitor forces have a huge points advantage but are in a lot of trouble since over half of their troops are dead!


To this point, the battle lasted around three and a half hours and since it was thirty minutes past midnight we called it a draw and ended it there. 

Of all the battles this one was the most interesting (at least from my side), The armies felt pretty balanced and I had a lot of luck with my dice throws. Then again so did Andrzej! I still feel that this system is really cumbersome and has only a single strategy to play and win, but since I only play it for fun in casual games that's less of an issue. Who knows maybe I'll actually paint a bit more units to have more deployment options!

Łódź 2025.01.04
