Unforgetful Path: Songs of blades and heroes

WARNING this game was played in 2018, with a LOT of unfinished minis/terrain, viewer discretion is advised!

A fast game of Songs of Blades and Heroes to get my potential opponents familiar work the rules.

Elf Warband with a leader and sorceress vs green skin tribe. The objective is to find the hidden treasure and move it from the board via your table edge.

High elf quality and a leader nearby grants them a 1+ activation which is a big advantage versus the green skin 4+ activation

The elves quickly reach the middle objective and find nothing, soon after they reach the right-hand side marker which is also empty.

A race to the last chest begins, this time the goblin spider rider had the advantage with his long movement and free disengage.

He quickly grabs the chest and makes a run for it.

Elves try to catch up in mass but they are unable to stop the beast rider.

Despite the quality advantage, the goblins are able to grab a running victory.

Both players enjoyed the game and want to make their own bands so I guess I need to paint the terrain and work on a more balanced elf list  (The hopes and dream I had - me writing this over four years later).

2018.09.XX Łódź
