Orktober 2021 #2 Steelbendaz

The second unit of Godsmashas Waaaaaaagh I would like to present are my scratch build fighta bomberz ( more fitting the size of grot bombs from #aeronauticaimperialis) nicknamed "Steelbendaz". 

Their fate is strongly connected with Godsmasha since until they met him they were but mere fly Boyz, a nuisance rather than a force to be reckoned with. As Godsmasha made his name battling Ultramarines on Tunis Tundra and Necrons in the Bolterian jungle so did they!

When the great warboss was beating the living metal out of the Necrons they solidified their squadron callsign by being excellent monolith hunters being able to destroy both Necron monoliths and obelisk s in each ground attack. 

Their name however originated at Tunis Tundra, where the then unknown fly Boyz were ordered to harass a warhound titan god machine! They were supposed to be a delaying action, maybe forcing the almost fresh machine to withdraw ( it had no damage and one out of two void shields operational ). They went in on a steep attack vector. 

Four fighters fired their missiles! The first one vaporized on the void shield taking it down with it. The second one bounced off the reinforced armour. The third salvo connected and did a point of damage to the scout titan. The last salvo was a critical hit. It went through the viewing port and exploded inside the command chamber, killing the entire crew on impact. Left without it's commander the titan stumbled and feel to the ground with a defending thump. No one in their wildest dreams expected those flyboyz to achieve even half of what they did! 

In the very distant past, when playing with unpainted figures on low quality terrain was the only games I could get they tried hunting warhound titans but never did they achieve a kill. Even on damaged units!

As a fun fact the last picture shows all the components that are used to scratch build a fighter in that style. I have a tutorial on how to build them on my blog and am planning to do a video version of it with a pimped up version.

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