The Tech aka. Deadly mechanical AI (probably a direct descendant of ChatGPT!) From Full Spectrum Dominance have an official colour of a distinct yellow. While it is not obligatory in any way to paint them that waty I always find it helpfull to at least semi follow official painting schemes (at least for the first army).
This is my painting tutorial for achieving a nice vibrant yellow in 6mm scale :)
The paints we will need
Grey (can be easily substituted with a mix of black and white, I simply like painting grey to the level that I buy gray paints)
Pale yellow Vallejo game color
Vallejo air chrome yellow
I used an airbrush but the recepie should be replicable with normal brushes if your paints are thinned properly and you aply multiple thin coats.

Follow up with grey as a zenithal (spray from above leaving the black directly below and in bigger recesses.
This next step is crucial for me. It makes the jext yellow really vibrant. If you want a darker tone then you could skip it but I do not recommend it. Cover the mini in a very thin layer of pale yellow. There should be no white and gray visible.
And finish off with chrome yellow directly from above (and other places you are not satisfied with.

(If you were thinking about skipping the layer of white/grey then the results are visible in the back)
That's it for the yellow! Quick and easy with a very nice result!
Further steps are done with a normal brush!
Next steps are also pretty easy, wash the entire mini with some oil wash (burnt umber in my case) clear it up so it's only in the recesses and paint all the metallic areas black.
Last steps is to paint the lenses with a evil red colour (killer robots right?) And paint some engine exausts with dark blue/light blue/white to simulate hot plasma.
An example finished mini is visible below!
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