How to Paint: Epic Knights Paladin

Starting with a black undercoat.
Follow up with cold grey zenithal.
Next pure white and this time not only in specific places but rather almost in the entirety since we are going for a white colour.

Next cover everything that is supposed to be silver/gold with black paint and follow up with retributor gold and any silver of your liking. You can potentially skip the black but it then produces a resutl not everyone is going to be happy with (me for example ;) ).

After that it's time for a oil wash of black (I also tried burnt umber but stayed with black) mainy a pin wash + just a bit more on the metal parts.

There are some cables on the power fists which i decided to paint green with vallejo game ink green (few layer's).

The purple I had a few attempts with glazing and hilights but in the end used the paints on the right purple as base + hilight of mix purple and pink.

Final step was osl via an airbrush of dark blue follow by light blue on the plasma blasters.

That's it! I did 6 of these as that was all I had but I'm thinking of following up the entire titan legion to match this style better.


  1. Gupi jestem i nie wpadłbym na taki pomysł maskowania figurki pod aero :D

    1. Jak się nie ma co się lubi to się kombinuje! Polecam bo działa całkiem fajnie.


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