Recap from March:
- 3 Skeletons with hand weapons (28mm)
- Full Spectrum Dominance - Enlisted infantry and Artillery - drop?
- 2 Fantasy Frostgrave 28mm miniatures that need full-time painting (Mage + apprentice)
- Ankylo miniatures 6-8mm Vostroyan command squat - added some gold and red. Still thinking about dropping these
- Panthera Warforge 3 units of infantry - drop? finish? Not sure!
- Some 6mm architectonic diorama cars - these I just do when I have some leftover paint
- Four 6 mm terrain tiles!
- Legions Imperialis army - something small to check the system. Need a list that I can build up to/from.
- Maybe some Gaslands cars? It's been over 5 years since I last made any and I potentially found some new (old) players!
- 6mm terrain
What changed?
Quite a lot actually. Frostgrave went into the background. I found some other mages that are not as nice but already done so the 10 miniature warband is ready!
I also found some people who want to do a bigger Epic Armageddon event on Pyrkon. So can focus on the terrain more and less worry about unit's and logistics (well not really, but hey we can do more since there is more of us)!
April was a very non hobby month for me so actually I had no time to finish anything
May on the other hand was more productive! I finished one model which was only missing a head (damaged piece I bought from someone a long time ago)
And I actually finished the 6mm city terrain tiles:
More pictures (and hopefully a video of the creation process is planned)
As for future plans since next month is Pyrkon I'm going to focus on preparing the things that I need to finish up my army and put everything else on hold!
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