Epic Armageddon Game day - Sektor kraken

Starting  the year (actually games nr 2 and 3!) was a co-organized by me Epic Armageddon event in my local Łódź!

We had 6 players attend and play 2 games each. I did not manage to keep up with the tempo of pictures and gaming so here are some highlights of the two games I played (rather than full battle reports).

Game 1 Ork Warhorde vs Eldar

The setup left no place to hide! My plan was simple, be aggressive and push forward. Defensive ork moves almost never play off for me!

I push all my aircraft to the right flank to harass some Falcons, artillery and bikers. Lost one plane and landa got hit but I managed to break one formation and damage two more!

End of round two seems like everything is falling in place. Eldars have just one or two more activations but it can't be that bad right .... right?

After killing over half of my kult of speed (and breaking the unit!) the Eldar titans actually hit my landa and take it down!  That's two activations lost and a big morale impact on my side. Still the fight goes on!

Eldar win initiative on round two.
They start of by completely wiping my second cult of speed! This does not vote well!

Orks return the favor by wiping a falcon squadron.

Godsmasha and his warband along with Gutrippa and it's supporting Stompas smash through the middle of the field.

Warboss prepares for an assault.

and wipes another falcon squad!

One bad activation and one failed activation mean that a draw turns to an Eldar victory on turn four! Despite that I'm super happy with this game. Despite loosing the landa early I was able to pull some good manoeuvres and apply just enough pressure to have the game literally balance on a activation! I can't even remember the last time I was soo close to achieving such a good score when playing Michał's Eldars!

Game 2 Imperial Guard vs Dark Angels

I came to this game thinking it was going to be a win. Boy was I wrong :D

Bellow you can see four land riders. I should have killed 3 of them with my Shadowsword over 3 turns, but it missed every single shot!

While maybe not crucial to the entire victory they definitely helped my opponent and increased my frustration over my own units.

I told my opponent that this assault was a bad idea. Turns out I was wrong and he was right. He killed half of my squad with it while I was unable to do any damage!

Scouts were a bit more annoying than expected. They were very good at screening the middle of the board!

By the end of the game (marines won on round three with 3-0) I was sure that it's not my tactics. It's time to say it. My imperial Guard army composition is very bad. It lacks the firepower that would be able to kill off stuff (Manticores are good at disrupting but they can be eliminated quite easily, and compose almost a third of my army). I would need to redo my Guard if I want to achieve any victories, but I'm not really sure if I want to do it. First of all I don't really have an idea for them, and second of all I kinda like the Orks more!

As a bonus here are two pictures on Necrons and Squats that battled on other tables.
