Same as last year (this time hopefully with some better results!) Me and Maciej are starting our Gaslands adventures. Same teams as last year battled it out on a ... different (ha got you!) scenario!
This time we did 30 cans per team and the scenario was a kill them all in a turret infested burning village.
Since I deployed first half of my team was pointing in the wrong direction!
After ramming the turret (miscalculated the medium move) my truck pushes forward into two enemy cars!
Despite the odds the red fire truck survives (with two hull points)while the other two cars (with approximately half health on each of them) scatter
The black car makes a sharp turn with a spin and drops mines!
My truck makes a perfect swirl (?) and instead of the minefield hits and destroys the black blaze!
Once blood started flowing we soon found ourselves at the end. Maciej won this time with his green car destroying my buggy. Let's hope that this is a short introduction to a longer series rather than a once a year tradition!
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