Epic Armageddon Ork vs Space Wolves Mega 2024 Mega Battle

Another Epic Armageddon End of the Year Mega Battle. 4500 points per side (with a max of 13 activations). This time it's a classic Ork Warhorde vs Space wolves. Loads of nail biting and plot twists!


Ghazgkhull Thraka's Warhorde TP2018  4500

        Ork Warband                                      400
            Oddboy with Power Field                         

        Ork Warband                                      250

        Kult of Speed                                    200

     2x Big Kult of Speed                                700

     2x Blitz Brigade                                    400
            Oddboy with Zap                                 

        'Uge Blitz Brigade                               450
            2xOddboy with Soopa                             

        Mekboy Stompamob                                 500
            4xShooty Stompa                                 

     2x 'Uge Mekboy Stompamob                           1150
            12xShooty Stompa                                 

    Ork Aircraft and Gargants (10.0%)                    450

        Landa                                            200

        Fighta Squadron                                  250
            5xFighta- Bommer                                

Space Wolves:

Wilki, 4500 POINTS
Space Wolves (NetEA Tournament pack)

6 Grey Hunters, Supreme Commander, 2 Blood Claws

4 Wolf Guard Terminators, 4 Land Raider, Chaplain

2 Thunderbolt Fighter-Bombers

6 Grey Hunters, Rhinos, Chaplain, Hunter

4 Predator Annihilator, Hunter

4 Vindicators

6 Sky Claws

6 Swiftclaw Bikes

6 Swiftclaw Bikes

6 Fenrisian Wolves

Landing Craft


4 Whirlwinds, Hunter

Round 1:

In a strange set of coincidences Orks win the initiative!
Zap brigade charges forward and the Oddboy supa zap gun blasts of it's titan killer. A blueish lightning splits the battlefield and destroys a land rider, putting a holt on that terminator unit!

Thunderbolts fly in to damage the other zap brigade. One goes down due to flak fire, the other one misses entirely. Now that's what I call luck!

Since the airspace is nicely controlled by a few hunter tanks I bring in my Landa to safely eliminate the lone thunderbolt.

A great company moves in front of one of my left Stopa blob. The Wolves are tempting fate!

Stompas are easily tempted and use their overwatch to open fire and kill off some Marines.

Battlesnaga Battlefortress moves up with it's warband. A moderate move up to be able to maneuver next turn and not fall into any assault ranges.

Fenrisian wolves advance for an assault next turn!

So I bring up my small kult of speed (7 Skorchas and a Warbuggy) to burn them down ... and fail completely!

Gutrippa Supa-Stompa (and her friends) follow up with a barrage 

and kill off a few wolves and a Marine stand.

The big cult moves up forward, grabbing as much cover as possible. Same as the infantry. Move up but avoid getting caught in too much fire.

Despite all the maneuvers the Marine Predators double up. Being the fast beasts they are they manage to find an angle and kill four Skorchas.

I retaliate with my huge blitz brigade and miss with absolutely everything!

(Forgot to mention that the Warlord titan was deployed in terrain and actually failed it's dangerous terrain roll and started the game with a wound. A nice portion of luck before shooting started)

Bikes move up.

I'm running out of options so I decide to move the second zap brigade and kill another Land Raider. Those terminators are the second most dangerous target. I would love to shoot at the warlord but the amount of active shields it has and it's hidden position makes such attacks futile.

Terminators respond to my fire and double up targeting the second Blitz Brigade. They fail to do any damage. A very pleasant surprise!

Steel Bendaz fly in and fire at the Predators. 

Hunter Rockets are dodged but Orkish missiles fail to penetrate!

Warlord doubles up!

And fires at the zap brigade! This is quite sadistic, those are just four vehicles!

All but a single flak wagon are eliminated! The lone truck will remain broken for the rest of the game.

Because I dropped my flakwagon support and other flak units were either eliminated or suppressed my Gutrippa was a nice juicy target!
A Space wolves landing craft swoops down, unloads a great company and assaults my Stompas.

When the dust clears Gutrippa and two other Stompas are dead, the rest flee in terror! The Wolves lost no units during this assault! It looks like I lost at least part of the luck that I had!

Round two

Predators double up and fire at the Stompas. Warlord retains and assaults them! A huge stompy robot versus twelve small stompy robots (not all can reach the fighting). While brave the "little" robots are no match for the warlord, almost all are eliminated!

Blitz brigade form up a screen formation and drop all of the Titans shields. I wanted to follow up with an assault but fail my activation!

Terminators decide to finish the job they failed last turn and assault the zap brigade!

 With hand to hand specialists the task is easy!

The remnants of the Great company move to the left flank objective.

Damaged Kult moves up and assaults the Sky Claws.

I moved them a bit too close and allowed the Marines to grab a single Skorcha in base contact (which proved fatal! Besides that single loss, the Orks gunned them down!

Steel Bendaz drop down and fire their rockets at the titan. They to manage to "Use the Force" and score a single wound which went critical!

The left flank Stompa mob fires at the vindicator unit. They target only the Hunter (which did not get into cover) 

and gun it down!

I was heavily debating if my Landa should assault the Warlord titan or a different unit. After a good few minutes of thinking I opted for the latter. It would be glorious, but also stupid as hell!

Since there is a clear opening I assault with my Landa crew! Only AFTER I assaulted I check the bikes profile and understand that It will not be an easy win!

The Landa mob won the assault and killed half of the bike unit stands!

At the end of the round Landa flies away while the infantry consolidates into terrain.

The situation is looking rather grim but then Michał rolls for the titan critical repair. 
The Titan explodes in a fiery fashion. My Faith in victory is restored! You do NOT see stuff like that every day!
Also the lucky pilot is given a name by my Oponent "Luk SkyOrker"!

Round 3:

If you were wondering what happened to the landing craft then let me tell you. At the end of round two it landed and picked up the terminator unit, and now it assaults my Stompa blob!

Terminators rush in, Land Riders support with firefight. Stompas pile in to get as much attacks as possible.

Only one terminator stand dies.

While on the other side 7 Stompas fall under the macro weapon power fists! Maybe mixing some hand to hand armed Stompas in such a mix is not a bad idea?

Marine bikers assault the Boyz near the blitz. Roaring engines engage the green skins!

But the green brutes stand their ground!

and slaughter most of the bikes. The two surviving bases are broken and flee!

The kult assaults Vindicators, Warbuggies ram into them to negate their firefight while Skorchas flame them 

Warboss Godsmasha sends his Battlefortress (and stretches his warband in a very long konga-line) to assault the predator unit.

The advantage of numbers, no blast markers and actually dealing some damage is too much. The Predators are wiped.

The Space Wolves attempted a blitz run with the remnants of a Great Company but I was able to contest it without too much issue.

In the end, thanks to quite some luck, and good aggressive strategy I was able to win <3 
A huge thank you to Michał for a wonderful game!

Dobroń 30.12.2024
